municipalities of Ribeiro |
Another of the municipalities that belongs to Ribeiro is Punxín.
In this township you can find the sarcophagus of San Wintila, built
in Romantic style.
The Boborás municipality that belongs to Ribeiro includes the
parishes of Alvarello, Cameixa, As Laxas, Moldes and Pazos.
You can also visit the San Martiño of Cameixa church with its
romantic sundial.
The Toén municipality includes Alongos, Feá, Puga, Iglesia
of Puga and Celeiro.
There is as well parish of Feá, its Romantic church dated from
the end of the XII century and the antique Benedictine Monastery of
Finally there is the village of Touza in the municipality of San Amaro.